Wild Atlantic Wednesday – We are Family

The first full family portrait - all three of the WAR Horses in one frame! 🥳 Today's WARider Challenge post is all about Juke Box Day. What song is going to shape your day or represents you and your horse(s)? Today the song "We are Family" is repeating in my head in celebration of Luca … Continue reading Wild Atlantic Wednesday – We are Family

National Princess Day – Her Royal Highness Miss G

Once upon a time there was a mare called Miss G, She lived in a big yard that started with a C. When she was young she was more than renowned, Her sass and her attitude, she wore like a crown. Her tail it would swish and her ears would go back, A show jumping … Continue reading National Princess Day – Her Royal Highness Miss G

Wild Atlantic Wednesday – Dedicated to Veteran’s Day

In the US it's known as Veteran's day and in the UK it's called Armistice Day. Either way, the 11th of November remembers the day that WW1 ended on the 11th Day, at the 11th hour, all those years ago but also offers the chance to honour and acknowledge all of those who have served … Continue reading Wild Atlantic Wednesday – Dedicated to Veteran’s Day